where do superheroes come from

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16 Responses to where do superheroes come from

  1. vanzm says:

    I like your vote!!!

  2. carmd says:

    Great and it is cool!!!

  3. hwanj says:

    Well done.

  4. piorb says:

    I actually don’t know.Good work!

  5. hughr says:

    well done year 3s you have done an azaming job and I know you spelt captain wrong but that is ok I still like your data well done

  6. cantr1 says:

    WOW!! This question was so challenging !I love this quiz , it is so fun!

  7. waltg says:

    Hi ya! Cool good amazing work! :p

  8. rebej says:

    very interesting

  9. dimev says:

    This is very good work!
    Well done

  10. ahmas says:

    I think it is new york because it is in america.

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