Vehicle changes

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14 Responses to Vehicle changes

  1. laini1 says:

    Very nice!

  2. laini1 says:

    Cheryl, you are very good at making votes! Amazing job, girl!

  3. kuzac1 says:

    I really liked your vote because you did not get lamborghini wrong and not even I can spell it. 🙂

  4. mannl says:


  5. hwanj says:

    Well done!

  6. kimy11 says:

    I loved this vote!

  7. rodge says:

    You are so good at this

  8. henry says:

    Great quiz! I love Lamborghinis!

  9. egyan says:

    I chose Porsche,by the way you spelt Porsche wrong,this is an awesome poll!

  10. leep says:

    I want a hovercraft !

  11. papar says:

    I choose the Lamborghini as I love the Centenario Model.

  12. cocjo says:

    I can’t choose! Porsche or Ferrari?

  13. mahea says:

    Helicopter because I believe I can fly 🙂

  14. kuzac3 says:

    We weren’t expecting that many votes!

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