Superhero vote

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26 Responses to Superhero vote

  1. westj says:

    Nice work no spelling mistakes .

  2. reya1 says:

    I love your blog!

  3. marrs says:

    Very good!

  4. andrd says:

    well done

  5. wests says:

    Well done I really like your post! Check for capital letters on the question though.
    From SW

  6. laini1 says:

    lovely work

  7. wooda says:

    EPIC ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. ventk says:

    Your questions are amazing you just need a capital letter for which. Well done!

  9. John F says:

    Deadpool has the coolest name.
    Great poll

  10. evanl1 says:

    Well done! I chose Wonder Women but I think you would have chosen Cat Girl! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. willc says:

    Lovely work! ๐Ÿ˜€ Make sure you check for capital letters on the question but apart from that it is A-MA-ZING!!!

  12. willc says:

    Lovely work! ๐Ÿ˜€ Make sure you check for capital letters on the question but apart from that it is amazing!

  13. Aalian AAR_17 says:


  14. wangh says:

    Good blog!

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